Low Sunday brings all family members together

Low Sunday is the holiday when those who passed away are remembered and when all those who left the parent’s house return home. According to folklorist Varvara Buzila, the people come together on Low Sunday. Sitting at the table one in front of another, they renew the family and friendship relations. In mythology, the ‘serene’ were considered people who live in the world of the dead and want to do us good. After celebrating Resurrection, we have to give signs to the ‘serene’ so that they also celebrate Easter after seven days. The Church says that the ‘serene’ are happy people for which the Church always prays. “We respect a traditional agrarian culture, while the cult of the dead forms part of the agrarian culture because the dead are buried in the ground where seeds spring. This circuit of life is maintained through the dead,” Varvara Buzila stated for Info-Prim Neo. The most important thing this day is the fact that the families reunite. Those who work or study abroad return home. It is a moment when those who passed away expect signs from the dear ones. When going to cemeteries, the people purify the graves with incense. They put traditional Easter foods and goods that are given as presents on graves. The bishop of Saint Trinity Church of Gratiesti Victor Plesca said that when the priest gets to the cemetery, the bells are rung and the priest goes around the cemetery and blesses everything with incense and holy water. According to church traditions, the priests hold the Holy Liturgy where it is possible. The people give fruit, candies and other things as gifts in memory of the dead relatives. Low Sunday is celebrated on the Sunday and Monday after Easter. The people give alms, pray and put presents on the graves of the dead family members. The day when Low Sunday is marked was declared nonworking day in 1990.

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