The Cartier publishing house, in its so-called “Green Collection”, has published a new series of books in which the author explain notions as love, divorce, God, Islam and Middle Ages to children, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“Love for our children” is signed by the French Nicole Bacharan and Dominique Simonnet, in which a man and a woman face the bombardment with questions from teenagers.
The divorce is explained to teenagers by Patricia Lucas and Stephane Leroy, the authors of a book named “The Divorce explained to children”. They try to make less painful the situation for a child whose parents separate.
The French journalist Jacques Duquesne tries to help the children discover God. “The world's creation has not finished yet. God still works in the world, in the Universe to continue the creation,” the author writes in his book “God explained to my grandchildren.”
In a book called “Islam explained to children”, the Morocco-born French writer Tahar Ben Jelloun tells about Islam, the Arab civilization both to his Muslim children to all other children from any country and of any belief.
The French historian Jacques Le Goff explains “The Middle Ages to children”. “Although the Middles Ages is not the golden period imagined by some romantics, it's neither the dark age, as depicted by the humanists and illuminists. Generally viewed it's the moment when Europe was born,” Le Goff writes.