Local authorities delay issuing construction authorisations, municipal councillor

The local authorities delay issuing construction authorisations, the leader of the faction of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party Pavel Caba stated at the meeting of the Chisinau Municipal Council on February 5. According to Pavel Caba, if accidents happen on the building sites, the economic entities that do not have all the documents needed to start the construction should be sanctioned, but in reality it is the local authorities that bear responsibility because there are cases when the authorised municipal divisions do not issue the required documents for eight months. Pavel Caba says that such a situation cannot be eternally tolerated by the local authorities that should issue authorisations for legal constructions in good time. If they suspect that the constructions are illegal, the documents should be returned immediately so that the applicants do not have to wait so long. Also, Pavel Caba asked the City Hall’s divisions in charge to take measures so that the municipal enterprises that administer the housing sector do not charge a tax for radiocommunications that rose from 2 lei to 5 lei. He said that the residents do not receive radiocommunications services at the moment, because the radio network does not exist anymore and for the persons on low incomes this tax is not so small. The councillor also said that the people living on the second floor complain that they are forced to pay for the use of the lift and the local authorities should take measures to solve this problem too.

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