About one month after the appearance of the first issue of Odoras (Little Beloved) Magazine, the only publication for young parents in Moldova is actively discussed on internet forums for moms.
According to the magazine’s manager Dorina Osipov, the publication attracted much interest in short time because it is the first and only publication in the field, featuring helpful articles and recommendations from doctors, teachers, psychologists and especially parents from Moldova.
The most actual articles on the upbringing and education of children and the most discussed in the chat rooms are “The maternity leave”, “The tale of the little boy who learned to swim before taking his first step” and the story of a child from Chisinau who became a first grader in London.
The visitors to the www.mama.md and www.devishnik.md online forums say there were impressed to find such a surprising, accessible and intriguing publication on Moldova’s quality magazines market. The following editions are eagerly expected, the quoted source added.
Odoras is a monthly full-colour magazine first issued in October 2007, with 2,000 copies. At the moment, the publications can be found only in paper version, but the magazine says an online edition is set to appear soon.