Lilian Carp: We hoped Pavel Filip and his team will decide to vote for Government’s dismissal

The MP of the Party of Action and Solidarity Lilian Carp said the parliamentary opposition had discussions with the leader of the Democratic Party Pavel Filip in the hope that the group he leads will vote in favor of the dismissal of the current Cabinet managed by Ion Chicu, IPN reports.

“A discussion was held with Pavel Filip to persuade him that the current Government is the electoral staff of President Igor Dodon and, if we want the Republic of Moldova to have a European course, this Government should leave. We hoped that Pavel Filip and his team will ultimately decide to vote for the dismissal of this Government and to vote a pro-European Government,” the MP stated in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel.

Former Democratic MP Vladimir Cebotari, currently a member of the Pro Moldova parliamentary group, said that as Ștefan Gațcan, the Socialist MPs are held hostage by the Party of Socialists, being constrained in different ways not to take a courageous step and remove the Government.

Igor Munteanu, MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”, said the MPs on Mondays travel to localities to meet with voters and the opposition expected that the motion will be debated this Thursday.

“Prime Minister Chicu had an insolent speech with personal attacks on the former governments. Respectively, instead of answering the main questions concerning the state of economy, the state of public health, the plans how to fill the budget gap, he replied and tried to give a s lesson of morality to MPs he targeted as opponents, but this wasn’t appropriate in that sitting,” stated Igor Munteanu.

The way in which the Cabinet presented itself in Parliament on July 20 represented degradation of the government, the public institutions and the legislature. Respectively, the people’s confidence in institutions is at a very low level, said expert in strategic and political analysis and planning, public administration and conflict resolution Vladislav Kulminski.

Former head of the Public Property Agency Igor Grigoriev said the brutality witnessed in Moldova’s Parliament was borrowed by Ion Chicu from the governments that ruled after 2010.

“Parliamentarianism in the Republic of Moldova failed and this is the most tragic moment. Thirty years have passed since the proclaiming of sovereignty, 32 years since the National Renaissance Movement and we failed in terms of parliamentary culture. What happened in Parliament, the brutality that has persisted since Ion Chicu took up as Prime Minister, is a practice that has existed since 2010, when Alliances No.1,2,3 were formed”.

The motion of no confidence against the Government, registered by the MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”, could not be adopted by a majority of votes in the July 20 sitting of Parliament. Only 46 MPs voted in favor at a time when the motion is carried with a minimum of 51 votes.

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