Lilian Carp: New security strategy will depend on geopolitical realities and economic capacities

The new security strategy of the Republic of Moldova is based on the geopolitical realities and economic capacities of the country, said the head of the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order Lilian Carp. He noted that the document will be ready in several months and cybersecurity is a separate element of national security. The MP considers this area is extremely important as cyber-attacks on government websites had been already staged, IPN reports.

The new security strategy of the Republic of Moldova will be ready in autumn and will contain defense measures and the budget needed for implementing them. Cybersecurity, energy and economic security and military training are among the top priorities.

“Today the Republic of Moldova needs to be able to resist a cyber-attack more than ever. We experienced several cyber-attacks on government websites in the recent past, but we should not forget that the banking system can also be attacked. The Republic of Moldova needs to strengthen this security area. At the same time, we need to train and build the capacities of our personnel. We now have exercises, training courses for service members, but they are not so consistent. A lot will depend on the new security strategy. We hope the first views on the new security strategy will be presented in autumn. It should depend on the geopolitical realities, the intervention capacities and economic capacities so that we could implement this strategy,” PAS MP Lilian Carp stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Military experts said that neutrality status of the Republic of Moldova in the current context with the war in Ukraine cannot be considered a shield. Moldova should benefit from the foreign partners’ assistance in strengthening its defense capabilities and in building state institutions’ resilience.

“The Russian Federation‘s brutal aggression against Ukraine substantially reduced the security level, endangered such NATO states as Romania, Poland or the Baltic states. It surely endangers the states with unsustainable and problematic neutrality, like the Republic of Moldova. Neutrality in our case is not a method of ensuring security. We are vulnerable and, as decision makers of the Republic of Moldova mentioned, we do not have any security umbrella. NATO’s goal is to maintain security on its borders. In this regard, the declared assistance intended for the Republic of Moldova is welcome,” stated the director of the Doctoral School “Military and Security Sciences” Marin Butuc.

When the 2022 state budget was amended, the spending for national defense was increased by 128 million lei. According to the minister of defense, the National Army consists of 6,500 soldiers and service members and 2,000 civilian employees.

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