It’s difficult to coexist in this formula because each of the founding parties of the Alliance for European Integration (AIE) has to keep its party identity on one hand, and to ensure good common governance on the other. The statement was made by Liberal Party MP Corina Fusu during the public debates organized by Info-Prim Neo news agency within the project “Developing political culture in public debates”.
“It’s difficult to exist in this formula because, on one hand, you have to maintain your own party’s image and identity, because we can’t be a homogenous mass and three parties obviously cannot speak with one voice. Still, we have to govern so as to achieve concrete results, meaning the improvement of people’s everyday life because that’s what the people expect”, said Corina Fusu.
The MP admits that sometimes the alliance parties find it hard to reach an agreement. “It’s true there are suspicions, it’s true there are egos. Partially, I can explain it as we are three different parties, with different electoral programs and different electorates we target”, she said.
Corina Fusu highlighted that AIE had some notable achievements in some areas. The first is the election of President Nicolae Timofti on March 16. Another one is that European integration remains the main vector of the country and the national idea. Many key laws have been adopted. The next stage is to implement them. The MP finds that the common vote to condemn the crimes of the totalitarian regime and to forbid Communist symbols is proof that the alliance between the three parties has strengthened.
The debate “Society’s political culture vs the political class’s political culture” is the eight in the series of similar events organized as part of the project “Developing political culture in public debates”, supported by the German Foundation Hanns Seidel.