Lib-Dems no longer want pedophiles to be castrated chemically

The Liberal-Democratic MPs changed their minds. They no longer want the pedophiles to be subjected to chemical castration and suggested another bill that provides for the imprisonment of rapists of juveniles for life. The subject was discussed within the legal commission on appointments and immunities on Thursday after President Nicolae Timofti refused to promulgate the law on chemical castration of pedophiles, Info-Prim Neo reports. Bill author, Liberal MP Valeriu Munteanu said that the issue was discussed within the AEI Council and it was agreed to put it to the vote again. Lib-Dem Tudor Deliu contradicted Valeriu Munteanu, saying the subject was debated tangentially and no compromise was reached. He also said that the PLDM submitted another bill on the life imprisonment of pedophiles. The author of the PLDM’s bill Ghenadie Ciobanu said that it is inhuman to castrate the pedophiles chemically. It is more serious when judges convict persons and then it turns out in several years that the crime was committed by somebody else. According to the PLDM, the rapists of minors should be sentenced to life imprisonment and, if other proofs are discovered, the mistakes can be repaired. The Liberals accused the Lib-Dems of defending the pedophiles. Early in March, the legislative initiative on the chemical castration of pedophiles was passed by Parliament in two readings and was to take effect on July 1. But Moldova’s President did not promulgate the law, saying it runs counter to the constitutional provisions that ban the degrading treatment of people, regardless of the things they do. Chemical castration represents the administration of a special drug that inhibits the libido.

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