Lib-Dems demand President to consult parties, civil society on talks with Kremlin

The Moldovan Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) complains of lack of transparency in the talks on solving the Transnistrian problem and demands President Vladimir Voronin to consult political parties and the civil society on the Moldovan-Russian negotiations, InfoPrim Neo reports. PLDM finds that the talks further remain plunged in mystery. Their occult character generates big doubts as to President Vladimir Voronin’s sincerity in this issue. The optimism of the head of the state, generously multiplied by Russian media, remains individual as long as the public opinion of this country does not know the contents of the four documents forwarded by the Moldovan side, as well as the contents of the Moldovan-Russian talks, in general, reads a statement of PLDM. According to it, driving the Parliament away from the process of regulating the Transnistrian problem, not informing citizens on the matter implies not only non-professionalism, but bad-will on behalf of the presidential office. PLDM considers that the regulation of the Transnistrian conflict shall be done exclusively on the basis of the Constitution and on the Law on the main principles in regulating the Transnistrian problem, unanimously passed by the Moldovan Parliament. PLDM requires President Vladimir Voronin to immediately start consultations on the Moldovan-Russian talks with the political parties, the civil society and to finally give up the practice of communicating through the agency of the Russian media. The party repeatedly proposes all the parties in opposition to urgently start joint actions to insure the maximal transparency of the negotiations. In an interview with the Russian newspaper Kommersant, the Moldovan President, Vladimir Voronin, stated the Transnistrian problem would be solved soon on the basis of the Law on Transnistria’s status, together with a new declaration on Moldova’s neutrality, guaranteed by World Powers.

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