When the Liberal-Democratic Party convenes next time, it could change its statute to accept unification with Romania or identify a “more diplomatic” way to acknowledge pro-unification options. This was stated by Gheorge Railean, Mayor of Cimislia and Lib-Dem member, during a talk show on 10TV.
In his opinion, all the parties which profess European integration should be pro-unification too. “I can’t really understand a Euro-integrationist who rejects unification with Romania. This means he’s not sincere enough when he pleads for European integration. An advocate of European integration simply cannot be against unification with Romania”, declared Gheorghe Railean.
The mayor added that a tendency has formed lately to commercialize the idea of unification. “I am a politician who believes that one must be honest and open with the people, instead of cajoling them”.
Railean says that there are more pro-unification mayors within the Liberal-Democratic Party, even though the party doesn’t openly support the notion. Further, he believes the extra-parliamentary parties PPDA are PAS are also pro-unification to a certain extent.
Raliean went on to add that the pressure of pro-unification advocates will increase with the approach of parliamentary elections.