Leader of PONA political group suggests abandoning elections

The medical crisis in the country will generate a socioeconomic crisis and the authorities should aim to concentrate and mobilize all the intellectual forces, financial and administrative capacities for overcoming this crisis and should not focus on the presidential elections, said the leader of the political group “For People, Nature and Animals” (PONA) Ion Dron.

In a news conference at IPN, Ion Dron said the presidential elections should be abandoned and the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova should be reviewed. In this regard, he called on the MPs and parties in public debates to say why the presidential institution cannot be liquidated or why the President’s powers cannot be reduced to symbolic duties.

Ion Dron said the form of government in Moldova is semi-presidential republic, where the President is elected by Parliament or by the people. He suggested submitting a relevant bill as swiftly as possible so that a new form of government is instituted in Moldova next March or April – parliamentary republic.

According to the leader of the PONA, the President and the opposition currently profit from the crisis situation so as to more often appear in public and secure votes for this autumn’s presidential elections.

“The Government should be encouraged as it acts and takes measures within possibilities. We make common cause with the doctors, but cannot make common cause with those who deployed these to work in the frontline without equipment. We support those who work in the medical assistance sector, but cannot support those who have destroyed this sector for years and ignored it practically. We support the students who do what they can, out of admirable zeal, to make equipment for doctors, but cannot support those who did nothing to purchase this equipment at least two months ago,” stated Ion Dron.

According to him, the abandonment of elections and diminution of the President’s powers during the state of emergency are possible by drafting a bill to review the Constitution .This should be proposed for public debates and then presented to the Constitutional Court so that it is returns to Parliament by October 1.

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