Law to amend Constitution published in Official Gazette

The Constitutional Court's decision on the confirmation of the results of the national constitutional referendum of October 20, 2024, and the law on the amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova have been published in the Official Gazette, IPN reports.

The Constitutional Court on Thursday, October 31 confirmed the results of the national constitutional referendum. The Constitution is to be republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.

The Constitution of the country will be supplemented with Title V first: INTEGRATION INTO THE EUROPEAN UNION.

Article 140 1: Accession to the Founding Treaties and to the Acts of Revision of the Treaties Establishing the European Union

(1) The accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Treaties establishing the European Union, as well as to the Acts of Revision of the Treaties establishing the European Union shall be established by Parliament by means of an organic law. (2) As a result of accession, the provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Union, as well as other binding legal acts of the European Union, shall take precedence over the contrary provisions of domestic laws, in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Accession.'

The preamble is completed with two new paragraphs with the following content: "RECONFIRMING the European identity of the people of the Republic of Moldova and the irreversibility of the European path of the Republic of Moldova, DECLARING the integration into the European Union as a strategic objective of the Republic of Moldova".

It is the first time that the Constitution is amended by the people. The 11 amendments to the Constitution so far were made only by Parliament.


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