Law on ratification of Association Agreement with EU is constitutional

The law on the ratification of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova, on the one hand, and the Europeans Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and its member states, on the other hand, is constitutional, the Constitutionals Court ruled following a challenge submitted by the Communist parliamentary group, IPN reports.

The Constitutionals Court’s decision is definitive.

In the discussions held before judgment was passed, Communist MP Igor Vremea said they asked determining the constitutionality of this law based on Article 1 of the Constitution, which says that the Republic of Moldova is a sovereign and independent state. “We consider that the agreement and the law on its ratification infringe this article because they give powers to supranational bodies without taking into account the constitutional provisions,” he stated.

According to Igor Vremea, an article of the accord defies the constitutional provisions concerning the Parliament’s powers as it allows international institutions to intervene in the national legislation by avoiding the legislative authority. “The Republic of Moldova will have in time to fully modify its legislation, namely the laws that run counter to the directives and norms adopted by the EU,” he stated, adding that this agreement ignores the Transnistrian conflict, institutes discriminatory quotas on the export of Moldovan goods to the EU and allows importing freely goods from the EU into Moldova, without limits.

The Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union was signed on June 27. On July 2, the accord was ratified by Moldova’s Parliament.

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