Law, finance and journalism are the most popular fields among students

Law, finance and journalism are the top three most popular specializations in universities and colleges. The admission session ended on July 31. According to data from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, 18 people battled per spot in the law departments, 15 people in the finance faculties, while journalism rounds up the top three with 14 applications per spot, IPN reports.

Accounting was also popular with 12 application per place, while IT and architecture had only 4.

In the 2017-2018 admission session, 18 public and 11 private institutions offered 165 undergraduate and 500 master’s programmes.

Overall, the universities received 13,500 applications. The 4931 tuition free places received 12,272 applications.

On August 10, most institutions finished the main admission session. The Nicolae Testemitanu Medicine and Pharmaceutics State University and the Stefan cel Mare Police Academy filled up all their places. In the other universities, there are still 5293 unoccupied spots, including 1168 tuition free. Private universities filled only 42.4% of their undergraduate positions.

Applicants who have not been able to apply in the main session, will get a chance in the extra session. Sixteen public and 11 private institutions will offer 6618 spots, 5450 of which non-free, and 140 specializations.

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