[ - Throughout its history, Latvia proclaimed its independence two times: on November 18, 1918 and on May 4, 1990. Could you speak about the sociopolitical context and significance of these events?]
- On November 18, 1918, on stage of the Second Municipal Theater in Riga, representatives of Latvian political parties announced that a new state appeared on the world map. They declared the state independent through the Independence Act. In 1921, this state was admitted as a fully-fledged member of the Nations League and was part of it until 1940, showing that the Latvians can govern themselves successfully.
The Act of May 4, 1990, when Latvia proclaimed its independence from the USSR, was a natural return to the path chosen in 1918, which was artificially interrupted for geopolitical reasons. In this connection, it should be noted that Latvia was among the first Soviet republics that proclaimed its independence. The historical course covered by the Latvian people was not easy. Nevertheless, the people moved towards the century-old ideals with courage and consistency, becoming a prosperous state and a member of the large European family, with real development prospects.
[ - Was the accession to the European Union in 2004 an incontestable success of the Latvian people? How did life change after the Latvians became citizens of the European Community?]
- The Latvians worked hard to be accepted in the EU. But the pre-accession and post-accession periods are more important than the accession itself due to the achievements they produce. The integration into the EU is in fact a process that starts long before the accession and does not end when the country is officially admitted. It is a long chain of intermediary victories and increasing confidence in the own forces as people and as state that knows to set goals and achieve them step by step. The path to European integration covered by Latvia and by other member states went through NATO. Intensely debated at that time, the accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization proved its utility in the end, bringing security, stability, political, economic and social guarantees. All these attracted a large inflow of investment to Latvia – about 6 billion euros a year after 2004. Investment boosted all the areas of activity, ensuring a decent living for the ordinary people. Presently, the Latvians can work safely and look into the future with confidence and hope, aiming at building a strong economy that guarantees statehood.
[ - Besides numerous advantages for the people of the ex-Soviet states, the events of the past 18 years witnessed a series of complications in the interhuman, economic and cultural relations. More borders have to be crossed, more visas have to be obtained and other formalities appeared. What can you say about this as a Consul?]
- When a country becomes independent or even an EU member it must obligatorily comply with the communitarian legislation, i.e. to introduce visas, border controls etc. Certainly, after Latvia joined the EU, the relations between our countries, at the level of private individuals and legal entities, entered a new development phase that implies new obligations in the bilateral relations. In this respect, I can say that 7-10 days are normally needed to check an applicant for a visa through the joint database of the EU. In extraordinary cases such as travels by delegations of sportsmen, artists, scientists, the visas can be issued as a matter of urgency, depending on the circumstances and in accordance with the legislation. It should be noted that regardless of the circumstances, the reciprocal interest between Latvia and Moldova is preserved through interhuman, economic and tourist ties that develop constantly. The Moldovan fruit, vegetables, wines and cans are in great demand in Latvia. The artistic groups gather a lot of spectators. The tourist areas in Latvia, especially those located on the seaside of the Baltic Sea, are frequently visited by Moldovan tourists. Many of them want to visit Jurmala during the well-known pop music festival. Latvia is proud of many of its creations. It is called the country with the largest number of castles per square kilometer. In order to cope with the increasing number of travelers, two years ago there was opened the Riga – Chisinau direct motor route. A flight that connects Chisinau and the Baltic Countries was opened in May this year. We live in a modern world in which the distance and physical borders are not as important as in the past, especially when there are long and well-established friendship and cooperation relations as those that exist between Moldova and Latvia.
[ - What are the prospects of these relations?]
- On different occasions, the Republic of Latvia expressed its readiness to support Moldova in its European integration efforts, share its experience and offer advice in different areas of activity such as the customs and border services, environment protection and others. For Latvia, Moldova is a primary accession candidate. Therefore, Latvia is ready to provide all the support that Moldova needs to achieve the European integration aim it set. Important potential exist at economic, tourist and cultural levels that has not been yet fully realized. Given that Latvia’s trade with Belarus totals about 2.1 billion US dollars and with Russia about 4.7 billion US dollars, Moldova has good chances to develop exchanges with Latvia even if the bilateral trade is now only several million US dollars.
[ - How do the Latvian people celebrate Independence Day?]
- Latvia is preparing to celebrate the Independence Day solemnly and enjoyably. A number of festivities are planned for November 18. A solemn religious ceremony will be held at the Domo Cathedral in the morning. It will be followed by laying of flowers to the Freedom Monument and a military parade. A broad festive program themed “Latvia – 90” will be held in the square of the Freedom Monument in the evening. President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers will deliver a solemn speech.
In general, the Latvian people celebrate such holidays together, with the whole community. They participate in different cultural and artistic activities in open air or in the family because the Latvians are true patriots. I am sure that the representatives of the Latvian community in Moldova will also celebrate this holiday. I congratulate them cordially.