Last member of Integrity Council chosen

Victoria Iftodi became the seventh member of the Integrity Council, being nominated by the Government, IPN reports.

The other members of the Integrity Council, who were chosen earlier, are: Victor Micu, of the Superior Council of Magistracy; Mircea Rosioru, of the Superior Council of Prosecutors; Viorel Rusu, fielded by the Congress of Local Authorities. Parliament selected at a public content Sergiu Ostaf, who heads the Resource Center for Human Rights. The Integrity Council also includes two representatives of civil society - Tatiana Pashkovski and Dumitru Tira.

The members serve on the Integrity Council for a five-year term without being able to apply for a new consecutive term. These can be dismissed by the entity that nominated them.

The Integrity Council approves the regulations concerning the holding of the contest to choose the head and deputy head of the National Integrity Authority and organizes and validates the results of the given contest.

The first meeting of the Integrity Council will be held on December 30, 2016.

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