Last book signed by Grigore Vieru on sale in Pro Noi bookstores
Grigore Vieru’s last book titled ”Taina care ma apara. Opera poetica” (“Secret that Protects Me. Poetry Work”) is now available from Moldovan bookstores. It will be launched on February 14, when the poet was born, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Book Distribution Company Pro Noi.
The book includes the most beautiful poems written by Grigore Vieru during his life, a selection of aphorisms titled “Miscarea in infinit” (“Movement in Infinity”) and literary criticism articles that focus on the great poet, written by personalities famous throughout the Romanian area. The volume has 750 pages and contains the bard’s biography and bibliography written by poet Daniel Corbu, a preface by Mihai Cimpoi and an afterward by Theodor Codreanu, the communiqué says.
In the preface, the late poet Grigore Vieru confesses that he wrote the book during thousands of sleepless nights and addresses the readers. “I consider now the sleep a stranger. During flight and as a result of hard work, I produced this volume that I consider the book of my life. Who knows, maybe a poem or a song will come out of my assiduous work. But didn’t Mateevici remain in the Romanian literature with only a single poem? If I have this luck, I ask those that want to find this poem to look for it in this book. I also ask that any future selection of my verses, if I have this great luck too, to be based on this book,” poet Grigore Vieru wrote.
The volume ”Taina care ma apara” appeared in the “Critical Editions” collection of Princeps Edit Publishing House and was launched in Iasi on December 8, 2008. On this occasion, academician Mihai Cimpoi, the president of the Writers’ Union of Moldova said: “The volume that we launch in Iasi is not a simple one. It is neither a simple anthology nor a synthesis. It is a true critical, academic edition close to Grigore.
The editor of the book Daniel Corbu said that the work is one of the greatest books of the Romanian poetry written by one of the greatest Romanian poets, the communiqué says.
In 2008, the volume was named the Book of the Year at the International Book Show in Chisinau and was awarded at the International Romanian Book Show in Iasi. This and other books written by Grigore Vieru are available from the Pro Noi bookstores. The other books include: ”Steaua de vineri” (“Friday Star”), ”Ghicitoare fara sfarsit” (“Puzzle without End”), ”Soare, soare, domn frumos” (“Sun, Sun, Beautiful Mister”), ”La scoala iepurasilor” (“At Rabbits’ School”), ”Intregul cer” (“The Whole Sky) issued by Prut International Publishing House, and ”Acum si in veac” (“Now and Forever”) and ”Albinuta” printed at Litera Publishing House.