Labor market in Moldova meets demand, European experts
The Moldovan labor market satisfies the demand. Such a conclusion was reached by the Swedish Employment Agency (SPES) after implementing a project to strengthen the National Employment Agency of Moldova between 2005 and the first half of 2009, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The goal of the project financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) was to improve the quality of the services provided by the public employment service for the population and create a system to meet the demand on the labor market so as to enable all the persons out of work to find a job.
The development of the labor market information system by connecting all the National Employment Agency’s office to intranet and of web resources and services intended for the general public -,, the opening of an information center on job vacancies in Chisinau and carrying out of activities to support the disadvantaged/vulnerable persons looking for a job were the major aims of the Swedish project.
In a communiqué, the SPES says that the project closure was an occasion to announce a new initiative aimed at strengthening the services of the National Employment Agency through a project launched by the Swedish Employment Agency in mid-May. It is titled “Strengthening Moldova’s Capacity to Manage Labor and Return Migration”.