Kroll report made public

Head of Parliament Andrian Candu made public the report by Kroll company, which performed an audit of the national banking system following the stealing of US$1 billion through the agency of three banks. The Speaker published the report on his blog, writing that he assumes responsibility for this act, IPN reports.

“I do it openly, without hiding behind anonymous sources. The debates on the issue started to acquire false emphases. I already saw so-called opinion leaders of a party disseminating suppositions and lies with maximum cowardice. I will publish this report in the form I received it, in the original, in English,” said Adrian Candu.

He added that as a former specialist of an audit company, he understands the reasons for which Kroll refused to make the report public, but the situation in Moldova and the government’s obligation to ensure transparency require adjusting the decisions to the realities, being as transparent as possible on a subject that must be clarified as soon as possible and taking decisive actions for recovering the money and punishing those to blame.

Earlier, Andrian Candu announced that Kroll answered negatively to the National Bank of Moldova’s request to allow publishing the report.

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