“Moldova will have success if it invests in education and in economic development,” said famous business expert Kjell Nordström who gave two masterclasses in Chisinau on November 16. About 800 persons, including businessmen, students, journalists and bloggers, have taken part in them, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communique from the Public Relations Department of the Moldova Business People Association (AOAM).
Kjell Nordström told those attending that they will be successful if they lay emphasis on education, will cooperate and use innovatory ideas and will admit their failures. According to him, the world today builds on globalization and informatization. Sciences are accessible and can be copied and only the people's phantasy marks the difference in business. In 20-30 years, few people will create something as the rest will be copying, he said.
The expert spoke about capitalism and how one can make money in capitalism. In the end, he answered questions and gave advice to all those who asked his opinion.
“Our objective is to develop entrepreneurship and business intelligence in Moldova. Our honorable guests is a real guru in the field. His pieces of advice will be useful to both established businessman and young entrepreneurs,” AOAM president Vlad Pahotniuc said in the opening of the masterclasses.
Vlad Pahotniuc said the idea promoted by Kjell Nordström, according to which brains are now more powerful than entire countries, should be widely disseminated. “We must develop the country through the power of brains. We should invest in general culture, education and in science and develop the human potential because the competent human resources represent the capital and potential that never fail,” he said.
Kjell Nordström came to Chisinau at the invitation of the(AOAM, which organized the free masterclasses. In 2010-2011, the Association will be implementing a broad project to organize meetings with famous business experts, the first of them being French ex-Prime Minister Dominique Devillepin, who visited Chisinau one month ago.