Kiril Luchinski to stay under hour arrest for 30 more days

The Buiucani office of the Court of Chisinau municipality extended the house arrest of ex-MP Kiril Luchinski for another 30 days. This is investigated in the case of banking frauds committed at Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala and Unibank. The court took such a decision at the request of anticorruption prosecutors, IPN reports.

On October 17, the examination of the case was to start. Contacted by IPN, Corina Stratan, lawyer for Kiril Luchinski, said the start of the case trying coincided with the expiration of the house arrest warrant and the prosecutors asked to extend the house arrest. Under the law, the prosecution’s request is given preeminence.

According to Corina Stratan, for its part the defense submitted three applications on which the court is to pronounce on October 19. The lawyers asked to annul the house arrest against Kiril Luchinski, to notify the Constitutional Court of a Penal Code provision and to suspend the trial.

Kiril Luchinski was arrested on May 25 and was then placed under house arrest. The ex-MP is accused of money laundering and violation of the regime of declaring the property for the reason that he didn’t indicate he is the owner of a company that was allegedly involved in the banking fraud. Kiril Luchinski pleads not guilty.

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