Administrations of kindergartens will be free to go into self-management. This will enable them to manage their budgets independently, with the director no longer having to go to the local authorities for every small purchase, explained Minister of Education Dan Perciun in a press conference on Tuesday.
At first, the Ministry will offer kindergartens the possibility to switch to self-management with the consent of the local administrations. At the same time, it is important to switch to the funding formula per child in kindergartens, similar to the practice in general education. The budget of the kindergarten must also reflect the number of children in that kindergarten, said Dan Perciun.
According to the minister, the process of children migrating to Chisinau or district centers is obvious, while the budgets are not adjusted accordingly. This leads to situations when in some rural areas there are kindergartens that spend 100,000 lei per child, whereas in Chisinau the average is 20,000 lei. It would be fair for all children to have the same amounts spent on them and not be discriminated against based on the place of residence chosen by their parents, argued the minister.