Seventy children of preschool and school age of the kindergarten-school in Drujba village of Ungheni district will have access to new energy infrastructure owing to the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. A photovoltaic system was installed on the building’s roof with money from the project with a budget of 400,000 lei, IPN reports.
Furthermore, the heating system was modernized and thermal insulation works were executed there. The energy for the kindergarten-school is obtained from renewable energy sources.
Germany’s Ambassador to Moldova Margret Uebber in her speech underlined the contribution made by the district council, the mayor’s office and the kindergarten-school to the project.
The small projects financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany are designed to support the social and economic development of the population of Moldova. Four small projects to the value of €61,000 were financed in total in 2023.