The Ministry of Justice refuses to verify the results of the eighth Congress of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN), which were challenged by a group of delegates after the AMN did not introduce the modifications agreed at the Congress. The Ministry's answer was made public in a news conference on January 11, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The administration of the AMN says the Ministry of Justice's answer brought the dispute over the eighth Congress to an end and urges the 18 delegates to the Congress to accept the answer.
“We give them a hand today. We expect that they will make the same,” Victor Osipov, the first vice president of the AMN, said during the conference. “We must come to terms and give together a new impetus and a new quality to our party's work.”
The results of the AMN's Congress of December 12 were challenged by 18 delegates, including two AMN leaders - Veaceslav Untila and Iurie Colesnic. The others are representatives of the party from districts. They submitted an application to the Ministry of Justice, saying the reelection of Serafim Urecheanu as president of the AMN and other decisions taken on that day are illegal.
After those misunderstandings, Untila and Colesnic said they could join another party, while Veaceslav Untila said 16 local leaders will follow them.
At the news conference on Monday, Victor Osipov said MAE leader Anatol Petrencu's attempts to attract Untila and Colesnic to his party are illogical, irrational and unfriendly. He expressed his hope that the two will not marginalize themselves.
Asked what will happen if the authors of the challenge do not want to reach an agreement, Osipov said he does not want to discuss possible scenarios.
Currently, the AMN is preparing the meeting of the National Political Council to continue electing the party's central administration and to initiate an extensive internal reform. According to Osipov, the party's competitiveness on the political arena and its internal organization are now the major preoccupations of the AMN.