Justice Ministry proposes tougher punishment for coerced testimony
The Ministry of Justice has submitted a bill to Parliament proposing harsher sanctions for the crime of coercing persons into providing testimony, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In particular, the proposal is to punish the crime of coercing a person, by use of threat or other unlawful actions, into providing testimony or agreeing to a plea agreement; or of an expert into providing a dishonest opinion; or of a translator into providing an inaccurate translation, by use of the same means, should be punished by fines of 16,000 to 20,000 lei or imprisonment of 2 to 6 years, as compared to the current 3 years' maximum.
The Ministry of Justice also proposes increasing the ban for perpetrators from certain jobs from the current maximum of 5 years to 15 years.
Under the same bill, foreign citizens or stateless persons who committed such crimes outside of Moldova but are now in the country may be extradited unless there are reasons to believe that they could face capital punishment, torture or other human or degrading treatment.