Juris Poikans: Moldova has two years at disposal until next summit

Moldova has two years at its disposal, until the next Eastern Partnership Summit, to show that it made progress in the European integration process, Latvian Ambassador to Moldova Juris Poikans said in a seminar entitled “Eastern Partnership Initiative after the Riga Summit: expectations and perspectives”. The event was organized by the Foreign Policy Association in cooperation with the Embassy of Latvia in Chisinau, IPN reports.

“Moldova made considerable progress before the Riga Summit. Among its accomplishments are the liberalization of the visa regime with the EU and the ratification of the Association Agreement and of the Free Trade Agreement with the EU. The European integration is a process that motivates and we hope we will be able to cooperate within it,” said the Latvian diplomat.

Speaking about the EaP Summit held in Riga at the end of May, Juris Poikans said the results of this summit represent a great achievement if taking into account the three great challenges faced. “Firstly, in the EU there are 28 states that have different approaches and a consensus had to be reached. Secondly, the six EaP states have different attitudes to the European course. Thirdly, there was the hostility of Russia that had to be dealt with,” stated the ambassador.

Juris Poikans noted that the document adopted at the Riga Summit will make history. “The EU confirmed its position that the Eastern Partnership remains an extension instrument. It was also emphasized that the EaP countries are free to choose their development course and way. Thirdly, there was condemned the annexation of Crimea,” he said.

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