Judges manage to elect one of three Superior Council members

The third attempt by the Judges' General Assembly to fill the three vacant seats of the Superior Council of Magistracy failed partially today, as just the district courts succeeded in electing Judge Victor Micu to represent them on the Council, IPN reports.

Of the fourteen judges running for the posts, ten remained after Sergiu Furdui, Dina Rotarciuc, Nicolae Craiu and Grigore Siscanu announced they were quitting.

The remaining two vacant seats are to be filled by judges proposed by the appellate courts.

The Superior Council of Magistracy has 12 seats, occupied as follows: 6 judges are elected by the Judges' General Assembly, 3 are delegated by the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General and the Chief Justice, and 3 appointed by Parliament from among honorary professors. The Superior Council members are elected for terms of four years.

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