Journalist and poet Zina Izbas presents her ninth book

Poet Zina Izbas, who produces programs intended for the youth on the public radio station, presented her ninth poetry book entitled “Wonder of expectation” in an event at the National Library. The poems from the new book are about love, longing for parents and affection for the Romanian nation and language.

Contacted by IPN, the poet said the volume is also intended for the listeners of the public radio station because the poems were written at the workplace, where she often had inspirations when she worked on programs. The poem should be written when it comes and where it comes or the thought and the idea run away.

Zina Izbas would like the volume to reach all the rural and urban libraries, especially those in her native district Nisporeni.”The book “Wonder of expectation” came almost unexpectedly. I had breaks between my books so as to write the next one, but I had not break for this book,” stated the author.

National Library director general Elena Pintilei said Zina Izbas, by her activity at the radio station and by what she does in literature, will remain in the history of the national culture. “Her works remind of the home, table, mother and father. A part of her will always be at the National Library. She is a real friend of the library,” she stated.

Poet Claudia Partole said the verses of Zinai Izbas are very lively and inspired. The work with adolescents at the radio station made her always be ready to take in the transformations. “It seems to me that you can fix any moment. You can stop at any time to write a poem. All your poems have a message that surprises. In the poem, you paint some moments,” she noted, addressing the author.

The book “Wonder of expectation”  was issued in 300 copies that will be distributed to public libraries in Moldova.

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