Jobless persons could register online and through NEA mobile teams

Jobseekers will be able to register and deregister at local offices of the National Employment Agency (NAE) and through mobile teams that will travel to rural localities in the country’s districts. It will also be possible to file an online application to be registered as unemployed. A bill to simplify the procedure for registering persons as unemployed was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday, IPN reports.

Thus, the application to be registered as jobless can be submitted online or with the support of specialists of unified centers for public service provision.

Also, the period during which the unemployed persons don’t need to go to the local subdivision where they registered was reduced from 60 to 30 calendar days from the last visit. The jobless persons who will not meet this deadline, except for those involved in vocational training activities, will be deregistered. Furthermore, the period for repeated registration as unemployed was extended from three to six months.

The Government Decision also provides that the persons out of work can be absent without reason from no more than 15% of the total number of hours of the vocational training course or on-the-job training course. If this percentage is exceeded, the persons will have to reimburse the expenses for the organization and conduct of the course.

“The approved adjustments aim to reduce the number of unemployed people and increase their interest in employment and also to better target active services and measures intended for the unemployed and jobseekers,” said the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

The new provisions come into effect on January 31, 2024.

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