Five men from Balti received jail sentences between 12 and 15 years, for kidnapping another man, beating him and forcing him to dig his own grave. The doctors say the victim was severely injured, IPN reports.
According to a press release from the Prosecutor General’s Office, the incident occured on December 19, 2016. It seems the victim had dated the mother of one of the attackers. They met him in a bar, beat him, put him in the trunk of a car and went to the woman’s home.
The man was forced to apologize to the woman for the troubles he had caused her before. Then the attackers put him back in the trunk of the car and took him to a graveyard, where they beat him again, took his clothes and belongings and forced him to dig his own grave. The victim managed to run away and ask for help at a nearby gas station.
The sentences are appealable.