Iurie Leanca urges Italian businessmen to invest in Moldova

Prime Minister Iurie Leanca called on Italian businessmen to invest in Moldova. In a meeting with representatives of over 50 companies from Veneto region, the Premier voiced hope that the trade between the two countries will increase, IPN has learned from the Government’s press service.

“We will be in a situation of free trade regime with the eastern area. From next year, we will have such a regime with the EU as well. If you come to Moldova and invest money, you will be able to export both to the east and to the west,” said Iurie Leanca. Afterward, several members of the governmental team for attracting investments spoke about the economic climate in Moldova.

The Head of Government informed the businessmen about the two financing agreements on road building signed with the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which will ensure growing investments in the road infrastructure and will give an impetus to increasing competitiveness in economy. Moldova is holding talks on a new memorandum with the International Monetary Fund mission.

While in Italy, Iurie Leanca had a meeting with Moldovans living in Verona. According to the Government’s press service, the Premier assured the Moldovans that the executive is taking measures for the people to feel the effects of reforms as soon as possible. In the end, Iurie Leanca urged them to drink Moldovan wine.

The Premier completed his visit to Italy with a meeting with Moldovans living in Padova. Accompanied by the head of the Bureau for Relations with the Diaspora Victor Lutenko, Iurie Leanca spoke with the Moldovans about Moldova’s European integration efforts and the advantages of signing the Association Agreement with the EU.

Iurie Leanca paid a visit to Italy on September 28-29.

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