Iurie Leanca: European integration is the only correct path for Moldova

The European integration is the only correct path for Moldova, but the relations with Russia should also be maintained, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

The Premier presented arguments in favor of the European course and tried to dispel some of the stereotypes. “Many accuse us that by signing the Association Agreement with the EU, we lost the Russian market. But we thus gained access to the European market, which is much larger and where the purchasing power of consumers is greater. Besides, a lot of projects have been implemented with European funds over the last few years. In fact, our people get used to good things quickly. They almost forgot that visa-free travel to Europe was imposable several months ago. At the same time, those who went to work in the EU integrated with the local communities very well. So, by their nature the Moldovans are Europeans. There is no other alternative for Moldova. The European course is the only path we must follow,” said Iurie Leanca.

Speaking about the relations with Russia, the Prime Minister said he hopes they will improve. “Starting with 2009, we have tried to establish a different kind of relationship with Russia, based on respect and clear principles such as the non-involvement in Moldova’s internal affairs. We wanted to have mature relations. Though it was predictable, we didn’t expect that Moscow will be so harsh as regards the bans. We were caught in a very vulnerable moment, in a period of transition as we didn’t have time to prepare the economy for the implementation of the Association Agreement, while Russia made use of this situation in order to blackmail us. I consider things will calm down and we will return to the Russian market, but from different positions,” he stated.

Iurie Leanca voiced hope that the parties of the pro-European coalition will enter the future Parliament, noting that a post-electoral coalition with the Communist Party is impossible. “I would like a coalition similar to the current one to be formed. If the Liberal Party enters the legislature, it should also form part of the coalition. As to the Communists, I hope they will remain only in the history textbooks,” he said.

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