Iurie Colesnic celebrates 65th birthday

An anniversary event dedicated to the historian, researcher and writer Iurie Colesnic was held at the National Library on the occasion of his 65th birthday. There was mounted an exhibition of books, manuscripts, periodicals and photographs from the collection of the National Library and the personal collection of the historian, IPN reports.

“They say Moldova also gives birth to People. This nice quotation also refers to Mister Colesnic, who is a Doctor Honoris Causa, researcher, historian, writer and a great lover of the nation,” said the director general of the National Library Elena Pintilei.

“We are very good and many, but we are not sufficiently united. If we had been united, we would have achieved more. That’s why I make a call for unity as the unity is our salvation,” stated Iurie Colesnic.

Academician Mihai Cimpoi, a literary critic, said Iurie Colesnic offered an important volume of documents about Chisinau. The historian, studying the documents very thoroughly, presented them in an authentic way. “Iurie Colesnic proved that there was always a cultural life, a Romanian cultural life in Chisinau. Chisinau was and remains a cultural center,” stated Mihai Cimpoi.

“I would like to congratulate Iurie Colesnic on the successful combination of history and literature. I would compare him such historians-writers as Nicolae Iorga, Nicolae Bălcescu, Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu, Anatol Petrencu. When reading their works, history penetrates the soul and the same is true about Iurie Colesnic,” noted academician Nicolae Dabija, adding Iurie Colesnic discovers interesting documents through the agency of books and later these documents become historical.

Iurie Colesnic was born on August 12, 1955 in Dereneu village of Calarasi district, in a family of teachers. He was a Komsomol member (1969-1983). He graduated from the faculty of energy at the Technical University of Moldova in 1978. Iurie Colesnic sat on the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and in 2010 joined the European Action Movement. Before this, Colesnic had been a member of the “Our Moldova Alliance” Party. He was conferred multiple awards and medals and the Order of Honor (2016). In 2018, he got the National Award.

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