It will be hard to recover money given to weightlifters Ciricu and Iovu, minister

The procedure by which the state is trying to get back the money awarded to Olympic weightlifters Cristina Iovu and Anatol Ciricu, who later failed the dope test, and to their trainers will be long-lasting and difficult because no such a mechanism is stipulated. Minister of Youth and Sport Victor Zubcu told a news conference that a total of €323,000 was provided from the Government’s reserve fund in reward. The Ministry aims to recover this money in order to discourage doping, IPN reports.

“We must admit from the start that we do not have regulations and a mechanism for recovering public money. Something like this didn’t happen earlier. We are to agree the procedure methodologically and legally. We made approaches to the competent authorities because not the Ministry of Youth and Sport should recover this money,” stated the minister.

After failing the dope test, Anatol Ciricu was suspended from professional sports for eight years. Cristina Iovu, who also won bronze at the 2012 Olympic Games, was suspended for two years, as of June 19, 2013. This happened after the weightlifter chose to represent Azerbaijan on the international arena.

After the 2012 London Olympics, the two athletes received by €80,000 in reward from the Government. Their trainers got as much.

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