ISHR to implement project on human rights in former Soviet states

The national branches of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) will implement in 2007-2009 international project “The observation of human rights in the states of former Soviet Union”, Liubov Nemcinova, president of ISHR Moldova, stated at a news conference on Thursday, April 26. According to Nemcinova, the project provides the organisation of a series of international conferences which will tackle problems regarding the human rights observation in the post-soviet space. Experts will also propose solutions to the most stringent problems. The first conference of this kind will be held in Berlin, in May. Vladimir Novitsky, president of ISHR Russia, said that experts will study in particular the observation of the civil and political rights, freedom of media and activity of justice. As he says, the states in the ex-soviet space confront with similar problems. He gave examples of politically motivated cases, as the case of Hodorkovski in Russia or the case of Pasat in Moldova. The head of the League for the Defence of Human Rights of Moldova, Paul Strutzescu mentioned that it is absolutely necessary to support any initiative regarding the defence and promotion of human rights, especially in the former ex-soviet republics that confront with such problems. According to cited source, the post-soviet space is a problematic one, and that is why reforms and democratic processes have had a slow development since 1995. ISHR is an international organisation founded in 1972 in Germany. ISHR Moldova was created in 1998.
  • paul strutzescu despre proiectul cu drepturile omului.mp3
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