Is There a Doctor in the House? Chisinau Council takes yet another break
It seems the municipal councilors in Chisinau have made a tradition out of fighting each time they meet for a session at the City Council. Today's session wasn't an exception either, but this time they at least managed to adopt one issue included on the order of the day before adjourning the meeting for yet another date, until Thursday, July 2.
This time the scandal sparked over who is the city's real chief doctor – Mihai Moldovanu or Ion Arteni. Both demanded the floor at the Council's central tribune to ask the councilors for healthcare allocations.
The dispute split, again, the councilors into two camps – those who supported Arseni, appointed to the post by the Council, and the advocates for Moldovanu, named to the post by Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca.
Liberal councilor Tatiana Gutium, who is a doctor by profession, pleaded for Moldovanu: “He is better familiar with the state of affairs, while Ion Arteni hasn't been at work for 7 months”. Gutium stated she was speaking on behalf of all the doctors and insisted that the issue shouldn't be the object of “a cheap show”.
Continuing a similar course of reasoning, councilor Oleg Cernei of the Moldova Noastra Alliance agreed it was “a cheap show”. “When we adopted the order of the day we agreed that Mr Moldovanu is the rapporteur”, he argued, urging the councilors to leave the dispute for another time.
Asked by the chairman of the meeting to comment on the issue, Ghenadie Gluscenco, department head at the Ministry of Local Administration, said Moldovanu was occupying the post illegally, since the court canceled the mayoral ordinance that appointed him.
Mihai Moldovanu, for his part, argued he was occupying the post in conformity with the employment agreement signed with the City Hall and was receiving a regular salary for it.
The leader of the Communists faction, Svetlana Popa, replied that “the law is above any contracts signed with the City Hall” and demanded that Ion Artreni be heard as rapporteur.
The meeting's chairman, Alexandru Corduneanu, who is also the leader of the Christian Democratic faction, accused Moldovanu of blocking the meeting and warned to call the police.
After a five-minute break, the Communists councilors didn't return to the assembly hall and the meeting was adjourned until Thursday, July 2, in order to “calm the tempers”.