Ion Sturza: We enter a period of maximum economic turbulence

The candidate for Prime Minister Ion Sturza said the Republic of Moldova enters a period of maximum economic turbulence and this thing should be taken into account when political decisions are adopted. The statement was made in a press beefing on December 24, IPN reports.

“I don’t think we have time for respite. The Republic of Moldova faces an exceptional situation. We cannot compare it with the '98-'99, when the shock came from outside. This time the shock came from inside,” stated Sturza.

The candidate said he proposed taking several steps for stabilizing the economic situation in Moldova for a long period of time. This period could last from six months to a year if the Government is invested at the beginning of next year.

Sturza noted that the Government must not be hostage to an uncertain situation in the legislative body as in such a case it will be only an administrator and will be unable to do strategic things.

The head of state signed the decree by which Ion Sturza is nominated for premiership on December 21. The candidate has 15 days, until January 4, to present the government program and team and to ask for a vote of confidence in Parliament.

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