Ion Perju: We must insure activity in a sector that depends on weather

“The agricultural sector should not depend on the weather or the conditions when we have precipitation or do not have, when we have snow or do not have. To a particular extent, agriculture each year suffers because of the situations we experience, either drought or floods, torrential rain or hail. There are a number of meteorological effects that we cannot control. We must be ready to cope with this situation in agriculture,” Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ion Perju stated in a program on Moldova 1 channel

IPN quoted the official as saying that a solution to the problems faced by farmers yearly is to insure the farmland and agricultural activities. This is not done in the Republic of Moldova yet.

“There are many countries in which insurance is something normal. I know that we must insure an activity in a sector that depends on the weather. That’s why insurance is a subject that has been permanently discussed. Even from the start of the subsidization history, in the Republic of Moldova they have always discussed the necessity of the state subsidizing the insurance premiums for the farmers to be motivated to insure themselves,” stated the minister.

Ion Perju voiced hope that the MPs during the next plenary session will vote the law on subsidized insurance and the state will subsidize 70% of this sum. This way the farmers will not pay 4,000 lei, but only 2,700 lei. 

“This is very sustainable support for agriculture. If funds in this regard are not found, we will put other questions,” noted the minister.

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