Ion Pelivan's bust to be set up in commune named after him

Politician and writer Ion Pelivan, one of the leaders of the national liberation movement in Bessarabia, will have a bust in the commune that is named after him, in Orhei district, Info-Prim Neo reports. The costs of making the bust and laying out the adjoining area will be covered with money from the budget of the commune Pelivan. The Ministry of Culture will take care of the work's artistic level. Ion Pelivan was born in Razeni, Lapusna county in 1876 and died in 1954. He was an influential militant of the national liberation movement, who vehemently opposed the rustication of Bessarabia by the Russian empire. He played an important role in accomplishing the Union of March 27, 1918. Ion Pelivan also contributed to the putting into operation of an electric generator and opening of a school, cultural club, post office and a library.

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