Ion Ceban: I have no thoughts about political activity

The mayor general of Chisinau Ion Ceban excludes the possibility of taking part in the snap parliamentary elections if these take place. He noted he does not see himself in politics during the next few years, while in the campaign prior to the presidential elections in favor of Igor Dodon he became involved because he didn’t forget who helped him win the post of mayor, IPN reports.

“I’m now concentrated exclusively on the activities related to the municipality and want to do this further. This is what the residents of the municipality of Chisinau elected me for. I currently do not have any other option. I have no thoughts about political activity,” Ion Ceban stated in the talk show “Fourth Power” on N4 TV channel.

Ion Ceban noted he supported Igor Dodon in the campaign prior to the presidential elections because he is grateful to the team that promoted him to the post of mayor of Chisinau.

“I know where I came from, what team proposed me for mayor and I have very good relations with this. Now I’m focused on the municipality. This is what I’ve done even if they make interpretations about the election campaign. I did it on my own. The breaks were small, to be sincere and objective. I didn’t campaign from the post of mayor,” said Ion Ceban.

In the campaign prior to the presidential elections of last November, Ion Ceban went on unpaid leave to help Igor Dodon win a new term in office as President. It happened after, before being elected mayor of Chisinau, he said he will be an apolitical mayor and even renounced membership in the Party of Socialists.

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