If mayoral elections were held in Chisinau municipality next Sunday, 20.5% of the respondents of a poll would vote for Ion Ceban, while 18.4% for Silvia Radu. 10.2% would vote for Maia Sandu, while 6.9% for Andrei Nastase. The question was put to 671 persons from Chisinau municipality within a nationwide opinion poll that was presented by the Association of Sociologists and Demographers of Moldova on April 2, IPN reports.
According to the Association’s president Victor Mocanu, the popularity of acting mayor general Silvia Radu is due to the actions taken by her in the recent past, including the dismissal of a number of division heads.
Explaining their options in a free form, 21% of those surveyed said the candidate they chose is honest, courageous, decided and fights corruption and for justice. 17% said this is sincere, correct and critical, while 15% appreciated the candidate’s competence, knowledge of the city’s problems and the solutions proposed to these.
Asked at national level how informed they are about the activity of the local public authorities, 27% said they are informed to a greater or lesser extent, 41% said they are slightly informed, while 22% said they are not at all informed. Each tenth respondent could not give a clear answer to this question. 36% of the respondents are somehow satisfied with the activity of the local public authorities, one third said the activity is neither good nor bad, 26% are not satisfied, while 5% could not say.
Some 56% of those surveyed said corruption is widespread in the bodies of the local public administration of their municipality, city or village. 19% disagreed, while the others could not state their opinion.
The respondents were also asked about possible solutions. Thus, 18.6% said the main solution is to develop the economy of communities, 17.1% said corruption should be rooted out, while 14.3% consider the implementation of the territorial-administrative reform is a solution.