Interwar Chisinau in period documents", an exhibition dedicated to the Unification

Nearly 200 books, magazines, newspapers, photographs and postcards from the collections of the National Library and the National Archives Agency are on display at the National Library, within the exhibition "Interwar Chisinau in period documents". The exhibition is dedicated to the Union of Bessarabia with Romania and the return of Bessarabia to Romanian culture and civilization in 1918, IPN reports.

According to Elena Pintilei, the director of the National Library, the exhibition features documents, primary research resources from the collections of the National Archives Agency.

It is an exhibition devoted to interwar Bessarabia and Chisinau and it is also centered on the visit of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria to Chisinau in May 1920, an event that remains a symbol for that time in the history of Bessarabia, Elena Pintilei said.

According to the head of the library, the collections presented constitute the institution's golden fund, which highlights education, media, cultural events, economic activities, Chisinau's architecture and everything that flourished in that period. Elena Pintilei believes that the exhibition may be of interest to researchers and historians, all those interested in culture, poetry and publishing.

Ion Gumenii, a PhD in history, is of the opinion that the patrimony of old books is a constituent and integral part of the Romanian nation in the Pruto-Nistrean area. In his opinion, it is also emblematic that the opening of the exhibition was planned on March 27, the day when the Union of Bessarabia with Romania was proclaimed. This was followed by a period of construction, events and a return to the natural things specific to the Romanian nation.

Researcher Nicolae Enciu expressed his certainty that the event of the unification will not only be recorded in history textbooks, but will also play an important role in our times. According to Enciu, a re-edition of the event of March 27, 1918 would be inevitable in the context of current international realities.

Poet Alexandru Corduneanu believes that the interwar period in Chisinau is a conceptual area to which we need to return, because it is there that we can find the cultural codes we need today: "The interwar period must be researched, emphasized, and taken on board, because it is part of the historical memory, without which we are not us".

The exhibition at the National Library of Moldova will be open to the public until May 31.

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