Internship for young case law professionals

Last-year university students and young professionals working in the area of case law of Moldova are invited to apply to the program "Tatiana Iurco Honors Attorney Fellowship”. The participants will be engaged in a porfessional internship paid for from accessible funds owing to the financing of the U.S. Leavitt Institute for International Development, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry of Justice, the selected young people will be able to benefit from internship in at least two rotations by two months each, during a year, at the nine participating institutions, namely: the ministries of Justice, Transport and Road Infrastruture, Internal Affairs, Labor, Social Protection and Family, Information and Communication Technology and at the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Constitutional Court and the Office of the People's Ombudsperson.

The fellowship porgram is intended for persons who benefitted from training at the Leavitt Institute; law faculty students of accredited institutions; master's degree students of law faculties of accredited institutions with high academic standing, with a minimum grade of 9.0, etc.

The applicants must submit the CV and a letter of motivation in English, with the subject "Tatiana Iurco Honors Attorney Fellowship”, to,, and by October 12.

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