Over 10,000 book titles in eight languages were exhibited at the eleventh International Children’s and Youth’s Book Fair that was held in Balti town for the first time. The Fair was visited by hundreds of children from schools and lyceums.
Thirty-three books for children had been shown at the Fair that lasted for two days. The primary school students that visited the exhibition were presented with a surprise-book “O Furnica in Biblioteca” (“An Ant in the Library”) by Vasile Romanciuc. The writer Vasile Romanciuc was designated as the winner of the Children’s Choice Award, which he won in Chisinau for numerous times.
During the event, there was opened a Pro Noi bookshop, which is considered the largest and richest in the northern part of the country. The bookshop will also sell office supplies, IT components, music and films.
Another Pro Noi bookshop was opened inside the Balti State Pedagogical University “Alecu Russo” following a request from the rectorship to provide the literature needed for the students.
The organisation of the International Children’s and Youth’s Book Fair in Balti and the opening of the two bookshops are part of the national project “Towards Culture and Civilization”. The organisers prepared a book donation for the public and school libraries located in Balti worth about 15,000 lei. The donation includes the Explicative Dictionary of the Romanian Language for every library.
According to the project coordinator Claudia Balaban, the campaign for reading will reach most of the villages and towns of the country. Late in September, the International Children’s and Youth’s Book Fair will take place in Hancesti. A series of activities will be organised in Causeni town and at the native place of Vasile Romanciuc in November. A number of schools will receive large book donations.