The Movement of Transnistrian Refugees (TRM) accuse the Government and Chisinau City Hall of delaying the construction of the second apartment block for the people displaced from Moldova's eastern districts. Their leader, Anatol Bazgu, told a new conference on Monday, June 30, the refugees were ready to wait for the resumption of construction works at most till September, and the they will start to protest, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to him, the building works of the block from Milescu Spataru str. have been stopped. Only the first story has been built. The construction is deemed to tergiversate because of inactivity on behalf of some functionaries from central and local public administrations, Anatol Bazgu says.
The building is to be constructed as part of the social dwellings project, partially financed by the Development Bank of the Council of Europe. The Government and Chisinau City Hall were to sign, till June 6, a re-crediting accord.
Anatol Bazgu says he does not understand why the functionaries would tergiversate tosign this accord “so convenient.” The CoE Bank would offer 4.9 million euros for 20 years, including a grace period of 5 years and an interest of 2.25%. The Government's contribution is thought to be 2.7 million euros, granted as starting value of the unfinished blocks , construction expenditures and price of the land. The TRM president thinks the misunderstanding between the Government and the City Hall consists in difference of opinions as to the company to perform the works.
The TRM asks the Government and the City Hall to sign for the loan the soonest possibly, so as to allow the works go during summer.
Bazgu complains the dwellers of a similar block on Ginta Latina str. don't have contracts with power distributor Union Fenosa and pay 20% more for electricity and they cannot benefit from discounts for utilities.
At the City Hall's sitting on Monday, deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu has said the works have been halted because the building materials grew more expensive, and they have to update contacts with suppliers. He says although the building company says it will manage to finish the works as agreed in 2007, the Constructions Ministry insists on signing a new contract. “Something is rotten here. Probably there are some interested involved, since they insist so much to sign new contracts,” general mayor Dorin Chirtoaca opines.
The Government decided, in 2004, to build dwelling space for internally displaced people from 2005 through 2007. The Chisinau Council allocated two plots to build blocks. The first 80-flat house on Ginta Latina Str. was put in commission in March 2008. The block from Milescu Spataru Str. -- also with 80 apartments – is to be finished in the first half of 2008.