Integration centers for foreigners to be set up as part of Migration and Asylum Bureau

The foreigners who come to Moldova will benefit from free assistance in the process of integration into the country’s sociocultural life. In this regard, the Government decided to create three integration centers in Chisinau, Balti and Cahul. These will work as part of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of the Interior, IPN reports.

The centers will ensure the foreigners’ permanent access to existing integration programs and activities and will facilitate efficient cooperation between the central and local public authorities. The new bodies will represent one-stop shops that will accept applications from immigrants and will refer these to the authorities and services they need.

The integration centers will also provide counseling and assistance services to foreigners and will establish and promote ties between communities and associations of immigrants.

At the start of 2017, there were over 25,000 foreigners and stateless persons in Moldova. Most of these are natives of Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Romania, and Turkey. They came to Moldova to join their families, to work or to study.

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