Ingenuity of Moldovan parties is minimal, political scientist

The ingenuity of Moldovan parties is minimal, the regular citizen observes these parties and sticks to his/her own opinions, because there has not yet been a party to propose realistic changes. This is the opinion of political scientist Mihai Cernencu, in reference to the CBS-AXA poll that shows that upon eventual elections the Parliament would be formed of the same 4 parties as it currently is. “People are lead by the fact than they don't see anything except these 4 parties, there were no other to manifest serious economic or social programs. There have only been aberrations such as joining the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, e.n.). Everyone knows that one cannot join a union without a common border, whereas Ukraine stated that it will not join this union. It is a surreal project”, stated Nicolae Cernencu for Info-Prim Neo. The political scientist claims that the results of the poll prove the fact that extra-Parliamentary political parties have not been able to sport an attractive program. “This Customs Union is a Russian project; parties that propose this project are supported by Russia, but this country will never build a democracy. It has never been a democracy”, said Mihai Cernencu. The political scientist referred to the lack of trust shown by the poll takers towards State institutions, and mentioned that the citizens always responded that they don't trust the aforementioned, and that the State goes into the wrong direction. “Nothing has changed in people's opinions. The political power balance also doesn't change, none of the extra-parliamentary tries to gain momentum. The Party of Communists is in decline; actually, there is no concrete change except the voting the intentions; but nobody knows what will happen during elections, everything can change in the last second”, mentioned Mihai Cernencu. The request for early elections comes from a party, says the political scientist, but the citizens are aware of having had too many early elections; they understand that the call to vote generates millions of lei in expenses, and does not really change the situation. Mihai Cernencu believes that the citizens decided to leave the governing alliance to exercise its mandate till the end. “Another thing is that the opposition must be a constructive one, and have proposals. The Party of Communists survives only on some economic benefits; now they've run out of money, they get no “freebies” and we can see that MPs are leaving the Party, and many more will leave. The Party is floating adrift when not in power; the cheese is not in their hands, thus they cannot cut it”, stated Mihai Cernencu. The political scientist made reference to Moldova's Euro-integration and specified that the visit of European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in late November is an indicator that the EU wants to support the country on the path chosen.

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