Infections with COVID-19 go up, number of places available in Chisinau hospitals limited

After a decline witnessed during the last weeks of January, the number of infections with COVID-19 started to rise. The authorities of the municipality of Chisinau warn that the number of free beds in municipal hospitals is close to the limit. “The municipal hospitals have a total capacity of 1,163 beds and 200 beds for triage at Moldexpo. As many as 1,067 patients confirmed with COVID-19 are now in hospitals and 48 of them are in a very serious state, while 411 are in a serious state,” the head of the General Social Assistance and Health Division Tatiana Bucearschi stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of Chisinau services.

On February 12, 130 beds were made available for patients with COVID-19 at the Municipal Clinical Ftiziopneumology Hospital. Tatiana Bucearschi said the rise in infections is due to the fact that the population became more relaxed and no longer respects the strict protection measures.

As to the vaccination process, the functionary reiterated that the authorities are waiting for the promised vaccines. The steps to prepare for immunization are being discussed with the Ministry of Health. At municipal level, primary medical assistance teams are being formed and the medical personnel that will be involved in vaccination are being trained. The immunization places are being identified and laid out.

As many as 72,272 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Chisinau so far. Also, 1,170 infected persons died. Statistics show the most affected are the 30-39 age groups and the persons older than 60.

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