Inebriated driver causes accident on Dacia Blvd

Three persons were hurt in a road accident caused by a drunk driver on Dacia Blvd. in Chisinau on March 9. Paulina Iakimovski, of the Traffic Police Department's press office, has told Info-Prim Neo that a Peugeot-Boxer car driven by a 48-year-old man under the influence crashed into a Dacia-Logan. Three passengers of the second car suffered different head injuries. The driver of the Peugeot-Boxer received minor injuries. A 31-year-old man fell asleep while driving a VAZ near Porumbesti village of Cantemir district. The car made a U-turn and collided with a BMW. Both of the drivers and two passengers were taken to the hospital with different traumas. A BMW and a Mercedes collided at the intersection of Mihail Kogalniceanu and Tighina streets in Chisinau. Two young women traveling in the Mercedes suffered concussions and contusions of the soft tissues of the head. An Audi with Ialoveni license number struck a 60-year-old woman on Kogalniceanu St. The woman sustained a concussion and a head trauma. The nine traffic accidents that happened in Moldova on March 9 resulted in 16 persons injured.

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