Indexation of deposits at BEM goes on

The depositors of Banca de Economii this year will continue to receive parts of the money deposited at Sberbank in the Soviet period. The Government approved the age categories of depositors who will receive the amounts indexed in 2014, IPN reports.

This year, the depositors born before 1991 inclusive will be paid back 1,000 rubles of their deposits according to the radio 1 ruble:1 leu.

The depositors born before 1931 inclusive will be able to receive the money refunded at the second stage within which the balance in all the accounts of the depositor is paid back according to the radio 2.5 rubles:1 leu.

The Ministry of Finance projected that at the second stage the recipients will claim about 70% of the budgeted money. The rest of the money can be used to pay the sums indexed the previous years, which weren’t claimed for different reasons.

The deposited money is refunded according to the situation of the accounts on January 2, 1992.

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